I have lost a child. In her honor and in order to help others in similar situations, I have started this blog to share our journey. I hope you find comfort in my story as I find comfort in writing it.
At Week:18 of my second pregnancy, the doctor ordered the full anatomy scan of the baby. I laid there with my exposed belly watching anxiously the black and white screen that didn’t really look like anything to me. I kept looking at the ultrasound
technician to read any expression on her face that would tell me the baby was ok. The expression I saw was the opposite. I can still hear the words coming out of her mouth, “there’s a major heart defect. It’s not just a hole in the heart. This is major.” She didn’t give my husband or myself time to react. She rushed out the room to find a doctor who
could officially give me a diagnosis. My doctor wasn’t in that time and so another attending doctor saw me. He checked again and said, “It looks like the fetus has hypoplastic left heart syndrome. You have the option of terminating this pregnancy.”
Tears rolled down my face. A heart condition? Hypo what? I didn’t know what to make of it. I had never heard that term before. Gustavo was speechless. He didn’t utter one word. He walked towards me and held my hand. This wasn’t how it was supposed to go.
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